War = Maimed Body Parts

And smoking dead bodies that have evacuated their bowels.

Joshua Edward
Three Of Hearts
Published in
5 min readJun 9, 2023


Photo by Jordy Meow on Unsplash

Try to imagine walking across a big field with rough ground and tall grass and all the types of biting insects that today we purchase repellent spray for. You are barefoot, and you haven’t bathed in weeks. For the past three days, you’ve been marching with a heavy pack on your back and a 10-pound rifle on your shoulder. It’s very hot and humid, and the sunlight is making the sky so shiny it almost hurts.

Suddenly, a burst of air pulses uncomfortably through you and the ground shudders and your ears are filled with a deafening dull thud of cannon fire. Before you can absorb what is happening, five of your fellow soldiers literally explode into several parts along with rocks and grass and dirt. To the left is a severed leg with a huge bloody bone protruding, the disgustingly dirty bare foot is the only recognizable feature to help you decipher what it is. To the right is a friend of yours who has been completely cut in half, both halves shaking furiously, blood gurgling and spurting out of his mouth.

Then another blast, and another, and another, and another, and another. Someone yells “take cover!!” as loud as they can but before they can shout it again they vanish into a cloud of smoke and a rush of powerful wind that is filled with mud.



Joshua Edward
Three Of Hearts

Left the USA for Europe as a solo parent and raised a kid in a foreign land.