I Stopped Writing On Medium Because Of Taxes

A complicated tax situation was the final straw.

Joshua Edward
4 min readDec 17, 2022
Photo by The New York Public Library on Unsplash

Like a lot of other writers on this platform, I was getting fed up with Medium for a number of reasons. The suddenly abysmal viewer numbers for no apparent reason and a major reduction in income, while at the same time the most sensational creators of self-help dribble thrived at what appeared to be the expense of the most interesting (IMO) writers who did a superb job of promoting critical thinking.

And then there has been a seeming surge of bad information and trolls who love to pretend the world is a big Steve Jobs theme park and detractors be damned.

And then the management — Tony Stubblebine, engaged as he is in the comments sections of articles that mention him, and as transparent as perhaps transparent can be for a CEO, has not seemed to do much by way of changes to these things. Instead, his strategy appears to have been to let the writers and readers sort it out, rather than go back to the lever-pulling of the old Medium.

And that’s all fine and well, and perhaps commendable, but unfortunately for me, this seemingly laissez-faire approach has really put me in an unpredictable situation — it is now too risky for me to write successful articles on Medium, because of taxes.



Joshua Edward

Left the USA for Europe as a solo parent and raised a kid in a foreign land.